“Teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability.” – Patrick Lencioni

Every beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.

Introducing you the the National Committee on Research Exchange 2019/2020!

  1. Kevin Alvaro Handoko – National Officer on Research Exchange (NORE) CIMSA 2019/2020
  2. Muhammad Gilang Dwi Putra – Advisory Board SCORE CIMSA 2019/2020
  3. Belinda Kusuma Melati – Advisory Board SCORE CIMSA 2019/2020
  4. Fadhilatul Hilya – Vice NORE for Internal Affairs (VNI) CIMSA 2019/2020
  5. Dessika Listiarini – Vice NORE for External Affairs (VNE) CIMSA 2019/2020
  6. Rohadatul Aisy – Secretary SCORE CIMSA 2019/2020
  7. Annisa Adelin Risyanda – Treasurer SCORE CIMSA 2019/2020
  8. Angelreika Libowo – Project Coordinator (PC) SCORE CIMSA 2019/2020
  9. Tiffanny Resta Kanisha – Media and Communication Coordinator (MCC) SCORE CIMSA 2019/2020
  10. Alfira Nailatul Izzah – NORE Assistant for Incoming (NAFI) CIMSA 2019/2020
  11. Rashif Hizbullah Arsya – NORE Assistant for Outgoing (NAFO) CIMSA 2019/2020
  12. Deani Paradila Sukirno – Fundraising and Merchandise Coordinator (FNMC) SCORE CIMSA 2019/2020

Good luck and hope you experience wonderful journeys!

Standing Committee on Research Exchange

Empowering Medical Students
Improving Nation’s Health